Tiffany Carole about her way to essential oils and the magic of Aromapoints
Here you can find the article in German.
Tiffany Carole is my mentor and teacher since 2019 - in my intensive and deep work with essential oils and the soul (“Inner Nature) of the plants paired with Acupoints.
I asked Tiffany for an interview and here is the result. I´ve transcribed the interview and translated it also in german.
I want you, to be deeply touched, as I am, by the magic of the oils and Tiffany´s deep love for essential oils and the plant spirits.
1) Dear Tiffany, I’m so honored to have you and sharing your knowledge and your wisdom. Please tell us a little bit about your background. How does it come for you to work with Essential Oils the way you do?
My first exposure to essential oils was, when I was a teenager – with about 12 years. I went into a little shop in Santa Fee, New Mexico and went over to a little table, that had precious little bottle.
At this time, I didn’t know what essential oils was, but they were talking to me and calling me in. I went to the table and opened one of the bottles and smelled.
At that moment, I smelled the oil, it was like time stood still, I was very quiet.
I had no idea how uneasy I already was – as a human on planet earth. I think that I already had anxiety at that age. There were a lot of challenges going on in my family. And at that moment in my life, I did not have very good tools for navigating challenge. The tools that were modeled for me in my family of origin was to drink, to run away, to smoke pod, throw a fit – those were the main one´s.
Then, here I was, smelling this little oil, having things stand still – in the way that it did – and I felt everything get very calm and I became present.
I had no idea, that I wasn´t present, I had no idea what it even means to be present. But all I knew in this moment was to find out, what just happened.
And that seed of desire around finding out what just happened in relationship to this fragrance from a plant, is what really started me off on this path.
I ended up studying Pre-Med and Under-grad and got my degree in Evolutionary Biology and Biochemistry and I thought that I will go through regular Western Medical School, but I ended up studying Naturopathic Medicine, Chinese Medicine, and a lot of what drove my study and my background was, knowing, that I wanted to help people.
And somewhat knowing, that I need help – I needed a lot of help.
Once I´ve finished my schooling and I opened up my clinical practice, I bought all of the oils I could get my hands on, thousands of dollars, I had them stocked in the clinic.
But really didn´t have a system or a way of understanding how the oils worked, in an empowering way for me. I could look up the oils in the books, because I was a Chemist at background, that made sense to me, I could explain to you the chemistry and the plant category, but it didn´t tell me, why one particular oil, that was similar in biochemical makeup to another one, would have such a different impact on people.
That couldn´t be explained by the biochemistry. I knew, there was something more to it, but I didn´t know what that was.
The other peace was, that, because I didn’t understand the power, of the plant spirits themselves, I didn´t really respect how powerful they are.
I put a bunch in my hands and spatter it all over me or all over my patients and ultimately, I ended up with people that would have experiences of a reaction to the oil, if I put a lot of it on – undiluted.
That scared me, frankly so. I stopped using them all together, because I don´t know, what´s save and what´s not save. In the roam of medical aromatherapy generally speaking, it said, never put undiluted essential oils on the skin.
I remember having the thought, I want to have a different way of understanding, I want to have a different way of trusting myself with the oils and also having safety guidelines, that make sense to me.
This ultimately led me to a workshop, I´ve took with Peter Holmes in 2010 and it was called “Using Essential Oils in Chinese Medicine”. Peter presented a model, called the fragrance energetics model, which is a brilliant model, that he had created, that helps you to understand, how the different fragrances move energy in the body.
After that workshop, Peter and I stayed in touch, and I went into my clinic – which was a very busy clinical practice - and everybody got oils.
Because, once I understood this fragrance energetics model, I had, what I´ve been asking for – a way to make sense of the oils – not just through their chemistry, but through their energetics.
And that energetic is directly tied to the fragrance.
So I began using essential oils on acupoints on my patients and also trained my associates in these technique, that Peter and I than call Aroma Acupoint Therapy. We co-developed and entire curriculum.
I have further evolved the work and called it Aromapoint Therapy. Peter and I went different directions with the work, we were doing, at a certain point. But at the core is, that we were pairing key essential oils with key acupoints, to create change in the body and in the mind.
Since I begin working with the oils in this way in my clinic, I documented hundreds and hundreds of case studies, showing the power of Aromapoint Therapy in action – for physical issues, for emotional issues, for mental issues and really for soulful evolution. This is where my biggest passion is.
How do we work with this plant energies, with these plant spirits – sometimes I call them the “plant inner nature”?
How do we work with them in a way, that helps to facilitate our own soulful evolution?
2) What are Aromapoints and Aromapoint Therapy - your precious and - for me - very unique way to work with essential oils?
Part of my background is in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. So I spent a long period of time studying the meridian flow, the chi (= energy) flow in the body, through the meridians – the rivers of chi. We have meridians and we have points.
The Aromapoints are simply the Acupoints (Acupuncture Points) paired with certain essential oils, to create exceptional change.
Over the years of working with this method, I´ve come to find, that certain oils work really well with certain points.
Kind of like food and cooking.
Certain flavors go really well together – just unmistakable.
You could call them Aromapoints, but they are basically acupuncture points paired with certain aromas or certain essentials oils.
This work is unique.
I was definitely not the first person, to put essential oils on acupoints. But I was probably the first person, to put it in to a really substantial body of work, that’s based on clinical, anecdotal evidence, that´s been compiled over a decade.
I don´t have my clinical practice anymore, but I facilitate trainings all over the world, as well as virtually and I continually get feedback from people, about what works and what doesn´t works.
3) Can you explain how it works, that we can shift our energy instantly with Aromapoints? What are the different layers underneath this „magic“?
Here you find the article I co-wrote with Peter Holms, how it works. But basically, the power of Aromapoint Therapy is coming through resonance.
The acupuncture points are points – some people call them points of light – I like to think about them as vortices of energy.
They are intersection points – when we tap in, to a particular vortex of energy, we could instantly influence that entire flow of energy through that meridian and everything else that this meridian is connected to.
The acupuncture points have a certain vibration, each one is different (it is measurable actually with specific electronic devices).
The essential oils are also vibrational – every essential oil has its own energetic signature. This can also be measured with certain equipment.
When we pair a key essential oil with a key acupoint, it´s like making music.
The vibrations come together, and when they fit together, like for example blue tansy on Liver 3 - they fit so well together. They come together and just make music, it opens up the whole meridian and it opens up the energy of flow through the liver. The liver is what’s responsible for the flowing Qi Energy through the whole body (in large part).
The main way, that Aromapoint Therapy works is through resonance.
It´s not, as you might think, through internal absorption - it´s through vibrational resonance.
There is also the impact through the variominasale organ (Anmerkung: Jacobson-Organ oder Vomeronasale Organ, lat. Organum vomeronasale) through the nose. Our olfactory nerve connects to the variominasale organ. When we smell a fragrance of an essential oil, it is translated into a vibrational and chemical information through the variominasale organ and through the olfactory nerve. From there it impacts different structures in the brain.
First the limbic system structures of the brain (which are multiple) and from there it goes out to other structures of the brain, depending on the actual messages. It´s quite phenomenal.
4) What is it that we can learn from nature, from the plant spirits, from the plants - please tell us more about your view on these things.
This is what my book “The Inner Nature of Essential Oils” is all about. The book will be coming out beginning of summer 2024. I´m doing the final written pieces right now.
As human beings we are highly conditioned from the time we were born, even if we are still in the womb. We are conditioned by cultural norms, cultural standards, gender norms or gender standards, class, money class norms or standards. There are all kinds of conditions, also religious conditions, etc.
And through the process of conditioning, we lose touch with our Authentic Nature, with our Natural Self.
For the more, just to complicate things, we have the family of origin dynamics. I think no human is untouched by some measure of trauma. And nobody had absolutely perfect parents. We are all human beings with all our stuff.
And through this process of being a human, going through trauma, being conditioned, we lose touch with the robustness, of we are.
We lose touch with what we are capable of.
And I think, for the most part, coming in to planet earth, for the last several thousand years – we don´t really know how it was prior to that time, because we don´t have actual documentation – we have a long legacy as humans of disempowerment, of handing our power over to state, to governance, to religion, to a person, to money, etc.
And I do believe, we are in a time - we are in metamorphotic times - where we are waking up and remembering our awesome God Selfs, our power as Creator Selfs.
And I believe that the plant spirits and the plant energies help us to remember, who we are.
The help us, to remember, who we are.
The help us to remember our superpowers, the help us heal from a lot of wounds, that are born, living in a context of lack, of domination and submission.
To me and in my experience, the plant spirits, in the form of essential oils, are THE most profound allies, they are like our guides, our coaches, our mentors – that help show us the way.
5) What I really love is the depth of your work. Any time I use essential oils on my body - on Acupoints - I feel the connection on a deep soul level - I can’t explain it in words - but it feels sacred and I’m so grateful for the way you taught me, how to meditate and work with the oils and the plant spirits. It also gives so much depth in my movement practice, my teachings and my work.
Tiffany, thank you so much for your time and the work you do. Is there anything else you want to share?
Thank you for your generosity, thank you for your love, thank you for your acknowledgment, you seeing me and recognizing the work I bring forth. This is the greatest treasure ever. I think that anytime we really see, who another person is, we feel gratitude, for how they have touched us, we bring more true wealth and richness on the planet earth.
I think the last thing I would share is, just to take the journey wit oils. Get to know them, work with one at a time, or maybe two at a time.
Keep them in your pocket, anoint your third eye or put it over your heart every day – keep it simple. And take the time to commune.
Let´s say: You hold Sandalwood on your heart chakra, 1-3 Minutes, light touch (Aromapoint Therapy is always with very light touch) and then journal for 5-10 Minutes.
This is also the technique I share in Aroma Point Mastery and Healing Oil Collective - the Mediation with the oils – and I highly recommend that.
All of the oils, that I have such a robust relationship with, that support me every single day of my life, we have this relationship, because I have taken the time, to be in communion with the oils, be in leisures sharetime with them.
And anybody can do that.
If you want your life to be more rich, more fulfilling, more satisfying, if you want to spend more time in ease, if you want to experience more of your Supernatural Self – your Exponential Self as I like to call it – I belief that the oils are a very, very, very powerful ally and catalyst to take you there.
And one of the beautiful things about the oils is, that they are accessible, most of them are quite affordable – of course there are some oils, that are precious oils, they have low yield and so they are more expensive – but they also last so long. One of my most precious investments are my essential oils. I really do consider them an investment.
If you want to get in touch with me and check out my work you can go to my website – my Instagram and my youtube handle are tiffany_carole and encourage you to pop on to my website or Instagram and click to get on my E-Mail-List, we send out once a week with lovely content about the oils and also sharing, what I´m working on and on my offerings.
Much love from my heart to yours.
Thank you so much from the depth of my heart, Tiffany, for answering my questions and for being my mentor since 2019.
About Tiffany:
Tiffany Carole MS LAc, EAMP is an international teacher, successful entrepreneur, author and mentor. She offers a variety of innovative and heart-centered works in service to personal and collective empowerment. She illuminates emergent principles within science and nature so that we may consciously create the next stage in culture together. As a scientist and Chinese Medicine health care provider by training, Tiffany formerly owned and operated a holistic medical practice for 20 years outside of Seattle, WA. She is the creator of Aroma Point Therapy, and now runs an international online academy for healers, visionaries, and Soulful entrepreneurs.
Tiffany on Instagram: @tiffany_carole
PS: Und wenn du das Gefühl hast, dass dir mehr Energie, Aufrichtung und Bewegung nicht schaden könnte ;-), dann hol dir gleich meine kostenloses E-Book mit 21 Seiten geballten, wertvollen Input für dich - und auch einer wundervollen Aromapoint Sequenz darin!
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